These are a few questions that might be lingering in your mind. Any more questions? Contact us and we’ll be happy to help. We would love to hear from you.
As well as the local language in our country Bhutanwe offer bilingual lessons – although primarily, the main language of every Kid from kindergarten to grade VI is English!
You may drop your child off in the school driveway as early as 8:00 am, 20 minutes before school. Kindergarten students meet and line up on the Kindergarten playground before school. Supervision is provided on the Kindergarten playground every morning. We recommend that parents walk their Kindergarteners to the playground for at least the first few days of school. Park on the parking lot of PES and walk your child into the kindergarten playground. Additional information is available on our parents’ code of conduct handbook available for download at our website.
All children will be walked to the pickup lines under the shade structure at side of the parking lot. Children will be supervised at all times. You may walk to pick up your child. Please wait outside the main gate for your child.
Children may bring a healthy snack to eat during morning recess, around 10:00 am. Kindergarten lunch time is 11:00 am. Students may purchase lunch from the cafeteria or bring a healthy lunch from home. Lunch costs is Nu 150/- per day and milk is Nu 50/- Per day. You are welcome to pay ahead; just visit the cafeteria before school to set up your child’s account. Additional information is available on our Cafeteria front desk or from the Teacher on Duty.
The school uniform both for girls and boys can be purchased from the selected cloth store in Paro. Black Leather shoe can be purchased from any local store along with black socks.
Yes, all of our Kindergarten rooms are clustered together in a separate boundary in front of the school campus.
A separate playground with artificial glass is provided for the kindergarten. The playground is also enclosed by Chain Link GI mesh and a shed for shade. The gate on this side of the campus is locked at all times. All kindergarten classes have lunch and recess together.
All class lists will be posted at the PTA social on the afternoon before school starts. They will also be accessible from the parent portal upon login.