School Calendar

Our daily schedule offers time for children to participate in both group activities and independent child choice activities. 

  • Arrival at School 8:30 a.m.

    Every child is expected to reach school by 8:30 am. The bus services will arrive the school gate after picking up children from different areas and enter school presmisi by 8:30 a.m

  • Morning Assembly & Morning Circle: 8:50 a.m - 9:00 a.m.

    Morning meeting is a time to greet everyone and start our day. Activities at morning meeting include children’s jobs, pledge of allegiance, calendar, weather, introduction of new letters and numbers of the week and introduce the day activities. Followed by morning mindful practice to enhance better living and concentration.

  • Class Time 9:05 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.

    Classes for the day begin and daily activities are carried out in the class. Our teachers ensure full attention to individual students and help them learn education in a fun and loving manner. Lunch break and tea breaks are a healthy period for socialization and game play. Our teachers ensure that no bullying, discrimination, rough play are carried out. Remedial Classes

  • Lunch Break 12:00 p.m.. - 1:00 p.m.

    Children are taught the sanitary habits and hygiene. The teacher supervises that children use toilets in a proper and hygienic manner. Teacher also ensure that the children learn about cleanliness and teach children the importance of washing hands and flushing toilets.

  • Remedial Classes 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

    Students requiring enhancement in their daily class works whom the teacher finds requires extra guidance will be selected and made to attend the remedial classes.

  • Arrival Time 8:00 a.m - 9:00 a.m.

    Children arrive to school either in school bus or with their parents/guardians. During this time the parents/guardians are allowed to meet eh teachers for discussion of any issue pertaining to their children. They are also welcome to visit the ECCD campus to inspect the play area, equipment’s etc. the children then sanitize their hands and place their bags in position.

  • Morning circle 9:00 a.m.

    Morning meeting is a time to greet everyone and start our day. Activities at morning meeting include children’s jobs, pledge of allegiance, calendar, weather, introduction of new letters and numbers of the week and introduce the day’s activities.

  • Child choice time 9:00 a.m. - 9:20 a.m.

    A variety of fun activity and interaction. The children are introduced to the welcome song of the school. This helps children interact and get friendly with different children. Attendance is carried out during this period followed by the national anthem of Bhutan. Children are then briefed of the class rules and regulation to be complied. A brief review of yesterday’s classes is carried out.

  • Learning area time 9:20 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

    Identify the children to locate five learning areas based on their interest and grouping them. Three level of talking is carried out (normal question, commenting and effort). Children are introduced to Math, Science, Literacy, games and puzzles. This this helps children develop interest according to their choice.

  • Special activity (Teacher led learning games) 10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

    The teacher introduces children to many different materials such as rocks around the class surrounding. The children are taught about weights, hardness etc. of different materials.

  • Clean up time 11:00 a.m. - 11:20 a.m.

    Children are taught the sanitary habits and hygiene. The teacher supervises that children use toilets in a proper and hygienic manner. Teacher also ensure that the children learn about cleanliness and teach children the importance of washing hands and flushing toilets.

  • Meal time 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

    Children are taught the sanitary habits and hygiene. The teacher supervises that children use toilets in a proper and hygienic manner. Teacher also ensure that the children learn about cleanliness and teach children the importance of washing hands and flushing toilets.

  • Outdoor Play

    Children are allowed to have physical activities outside the classroom under the supervision of the teachers.

  • Story Time

    This is a communication and literacy period. Children are introduced to different stories and full interaction and discussion is carried out by the teachers.

  • Nap Time

    Children are made to sleep in their respective beds. However children who do not sleep are engaged by the teachers in quite play. Quite play involves puzzle solving, comic book reading, block buildings. The children are introduced to respect others privacy and the surroundings. Towards the end of the nap time, children are made to awaken by playing smooth soothing music. This enhances the mood of the children are even more receptive to further development.

  • Closing Time

    During this time the teachers gather the children in their respective classes. The children are run through the day’s program and a recap is asked from the children. A group song is performed to help liven the mood. Children are made to say good bye to their fellow mates. During this time the parents are informed of the Parent volunteer for the next day.


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